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Showing posts from February, 2019

Zoella - Thurs 28th Feb

Zoella is an excellent example of talented narrowcasting. Zoella is chaste which may appeal to her underage female audience. The close-up in the Zoella Apartment video takes a direct mode of address which reinforces that she is the audience's friends. This reinforces the stereotype that women are approachable, friendly and easy to chat to. The mise-en-scene of the box paired with her talking about the packaging of the product instead of the actual product which is an example of commodity fetishism. Standardised differentiation - every scented candle is exactly the same, they all serve the same purpose yet Zoella's is made to seem better than the others due to the packaging. Rise of the Superstar Vloggers - notes Need to be able to look normal in a way that is still more attractive than the average person.

Zoella - Weds 27th Feb

Questions: To what extent does Zoella represent her own audience? Make reference to David Gauntlett's Theories of Identity. In what way does Zoella meet the needs of her target audience? What are the potential audience responses to Zoella? Make reference to Stuart Hall's Reception Theory? Article comments on are unregulated. Zoella has kind of stepped away from her Zoella persona and is coming into her more Zoe Sugg persona which is more mature. Zoella is fading because of the change of teenage culture. Zoella is an empty shell of a character. She is an ideal representation about a very specific representation. This is aspirational hyperreality. Arguably, by using vulgar words when you are a 'celebrity' it could make it become a hegemonic norm. To what extent doe Zoella use stereotypical representations of women? Zoella's reference to 'Poppy' is a proairtic code to suggest excitement. Her videos follow a clear str

13th Feb - A Grade Stuff - Read This

Postmodernism - Baudrillard Hyperreality - The idea that something that is not real but people think is real Simulacra -  The world in which we live in is becoming vastly more complicated. Every single technology is making the world vastly more complicated. A hyperreal is not just  better than reality, it's not just beyond reality. It is also a representation of something that never existed in the first place. constant hyperreferentiality - constant reference to things that make no sense without prior knowledge. Making use of Barthes referential codes. In relation to Zoella, it gives the audience a sense of escapism. 'thats a big old crusty boy' - zoella - reference to a meme 'that was really hard' - zoella Zoella is dressed like a pizza Hyper reality of zoella holding her hand on her head to 'jog her memory'. Expected to know who 'Mark' is from the title. non-diegetic 'overly happy' sound track - ukelele soundtrack - lo

Thursday 7th Feb - Online Media

Web 2.0 - current look of the internet 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Vlogs - Aspirational - You can aspire to be like the vlogger Personal Identity - people can form their identities through the content of others - pick and mix theory Identification - We can get a measure of who we are when watching vloggers Unscripted narrative - Natural view into somebody's everyday life. Illusion of reality Authenticity? - Direct mode of address - addresses audience directly Audience Interaction - Gives the audience an opportunity to interact with the media product. Jackson Galaxy presents himself as somebody who is an expert on cats and feline behaviour. The video isn't perfect . purrrfect. Steve Neale - genre theory. Beauty Vlog : Roland Barthes - Semiotics Steve Neale - Genre Conventions Shot Types Camera Angles High key soft lighting Mid-shot Jump cuts Referencial Code to The Lion King - Nala the dog - Disney - young target audien

Weds 6th of February - ONLINE UNIT

Component 2 Section C Texts: - Zoella - Attitude Online - Magazine Online Media - Products and services that are online Digital Convergence - the coming together of two previously separate industries through digital technology. Phones have led to digital convergence.You can read newspapers on a mobile app. Vlogging - video blogging your day. Video diary? Blog - Where a writer or group of writers create digital content to be read online. Blog is short for Web Log. Blogging and Vlogging are examples of Clay Chirky's 'End of Audience' Theory. 50% of 16-24 year olds watch at least one vlog monthly. The main reason that YouTube is now possible is due to the fact that storing large quantities of files has gotten cheaper. Broadband has also aided this fast transfer of data.

Homework Tasks - Mon 4th February

TASK ONE Text Chosen - I, Daniel Blake REGULATION Who regulates this text? BBFC What legal and ethical issues does this text bring up? Benefits in Britain, Poverty Does this text offer it's audiences a plurality of experiences? Yes, Shows Britain as being harsher on poor people but also showing them to be harsher on people who are disabled. Brings up issues regarding the NHS also. DISTRIBUTION Who distributes this product? eOne Films in the UK and Le Pacte in France How many copies are/were sold? What is the circulation of this product? Box office - $15.8 million Can the product be distributed digitally? Yes, through Netflix and other online streaming services POWER AND ORGANISATION Who owns this product? Ken Loach Is the owner a major or indie? Major What else do they produce/publish? Other Films (e.g The Wind that Shakes the Barley) Are they vertically and/or horizontally integrated? Do they operate as a subsidiary? What i