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Weds 24th April - 2019

Explore how intertextuality creates meaning in the videos the Riptide by Vance Joy and 7 Rings by Ariana Grande.

Intertextuality is where one media product creates meaning through referencing another media product.

Referential codes are used to:

Make a media product relatable, recognisable and to maximise profit

Make a clear narrative

Audience feels individual when they understand a reference

Provoke an audience with tried and tested methods

To pay homage to or to criticise the original product

7 Rings notes

purple colour

fur jackets

reference to expensive shoes (red bottoms) - commodity fetishism

Vaporwave style

cover of 'my favourite things'

similar to 'enter the void'

hyper referentiality - when a media product references a media product that has reference previous media products.

video references asian culture 'Korean/Japanese'

video has a range of polysemic representations.

heavily sexualised

Style over substance

Use of anchorage in these videos create meaning. Anchorage is weighing down the audience. In Riptide, the audience is made to feel uncomfortable. Audiences are anchored through the mise-en-scene of blood and c/u shots. 7 Rings creates a voyeuristic fantasy due to the mise-en-scene and constant references to commodities.


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