Comp 1 Section A - Unseen - Compare something new to something previously studied. - Set editions of daily mirror/times.
Comp 1 Section B - Newspapers in general - industry & audience
To what extent do representations in these newspapers make claims about realism? COMP 1 A
KNEE JERK - Great extent
both of these newspapers make explicit claims that representations of issues and events on their front covers are 'real'.

Representations however, can cause harm to the audience, and in particular the group who are being represented.
Times - broadsheet - 10th Nov 2016 - News UK (subsidiary of News International)
Metro - Free Tabloid - DMG Media
Bias by selection
Bias by commission
D - Define key terms. representation and realism (verisimilitude)
A - Argument
C - Context
P - semiotic code of mise-en-scene of trump suggesting victory.
E -
Trump is a populist. He appeals to a lot of people.
Focus on knife crime
MES of fist suggesting victory
Sans serif - metro
serif - times
Stereotypical tabloid mode of address
Its giving a relatable scenario to the audience to target the audience.
intertextuality to crime shows like CSI
both are right wing
False representations can damage a group of people (in London it is black teenagers) and cultivate ideologies which aren't true.
A newspaper demonstrates bias with an April fools construction.
Symbolism of US flag constructs Trump as a nationalist which is combined with the iconography of his clenched fist which reinforces this ideology due to the connotations of victory.
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