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Online Media - 18th March 2019

Who publishes Attitude?

Company: Stream Publishing Limited

What other products does the publisher publish?

Are they a major or independent publisher? 


Stream publishing is very open about potential manipulation of their audiences through other company's media products.

29/09/2016 - The date they acquired attitude.

Stream are trying to say they are quirky and different. They are human. This website is an advert to investors.

3 - Hesmondhalgh - The Cultural Industries (3rd edition) (2013)


Many commentators go much further than I have above in pointing to change. Some claim, for example, that digitalisation has transformed cultural production beyond recognition. The internet and the mobile phone have triumphed. The music industry is dying or already dead, they say. Television is over. Book publishing as we knew it is finished. Yet these industries continue to pour out huge amounts of product, employ tens of thousands of people, produce considerable amounts of revenue, and occupy vast amounts of our time. Some optimistically see a new age where distinctions between producers and audiences disappear, and ‘users’ become the new creators. Commentary of this kind often implies, and sometimes explicitly states, that all the old notions and models need to be thrown out, and the history of cultural production is irrelevant because we are now living in an ‘information age’ rather than an ‘industrial age’ (or some other term that serves to simplify the past). Others see transformation just over the horizon. In many cases, it is unclear whether we are reading analysis of what is happening now, or a prediction of the future.



Concentration, integration and co-opting publicity
Cultural industry companies deal with risk and the need to ensure audience maximisation by using strategies that are also apparent in other sectors.

Horizontal integration - They buy up other companies in the same sector to reduce the competition for audiences and audience time.
Vertical integration - They buy up other companies involved in different stages of the process of production and circulation. Companies might buy ‘downstream’, such as when a company involved in making films buys a DVD distributor, or ‘upstream’, which is when a company involved in distribution or transmission (such as a cable television company) buys a programme-maker.
Internationalisation - By buying and partnering other companies abroad, corporations can sell massive amounts of extra copies of a product they have already paid to produce (though they will have to pay new marketing costs, of course).
Multisector and multimedia integration - They buy into other related areas of cultural industry production to ensure cross-promotion.
 Also important is the attempt to ‘co-opt’ (Hirsch, 1990[1972]) critics, DJs and various other people responsible for publicising texts, by socialising with them and sending them gifts, press releases, and so on.

Media industries are risk-averse - they avoid risk. Stream bought attitude to minimise competition.


Is allowing companies to capture information about us a worthwhile price for the conveniences and pleasures afforded by search engines and social networking sites?

The startup of the website was quite late in 2014 whereas other magazines have had websites up even earlier.

Mike Buckley - 'the website will compliment attitude's brilliant print and tablet products'

Tablet products - apps

You can download the magazine as a PDF which may be downloaded explicitly by people because they do not want others to know they are gay.

Attitude sells 11,000 digital copies per month.

Print circulation 50000

No gay magazines release their print sales figures.

Attitude online exists to make money through digital convergence. This is also an example of synergy because they website advertises the magazine and the magazine advertises the website. press pack

The purpose of a press pack is to sell the ideology of the magazine to investors.

It is selling an audience. A 'professional' gay male audience in their 20s and 30s. They have disposable income. The 'pink pound'. The objectification of the audience in this press pack is there to make money. The commodify the audience.

Attitude is part of a synergistic brand.


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