Les Revenants directed by Fabrice Gobert in 2004.
Representation - How a media product presents an element of a narrative with the ideologies of the producer constructing these elements.
Representations construct reality.
Representations come from hegemonic norms.
Representation is the study of...
1. The group, place or issue on which a media product is focusing.
2. The media language the media product uses in order to present these groups or issues.
3. The ideological perspective about the group or issue being created within the product.
4. The impact of this ideological perspective on the target audience.
Horror is very unpopular in France
- Working class
- Woman
- 25-30
- Background looks like a kitchen with the mise-en-scene of the tiles suggesting she has to work to put food on the table
- Middle Class
- White
- Mother
- Woman
- Stereotypically Attractive
- Middle aged
- Middle Class
- Woman
- Middle Class
- White
- Male
- Early 20's (28 when series was made)
- Long hair suggesting carefree
- Comes from middle class family
- Child
- Female
- Costume suggests she is older than she is
- Pale suggesting that she is dead/zombie
- Stereotypical school student
Camille is representing young teenage girls with a mature use of costume connoting maturity. Her cardigan represents that she is living a 'sheltered existence'. this representation is un-stereotypical for a teenager as she has a very passive personality which doesn't accord to stereotypical societal norms. Camille has a representation that shows her in multiple ways which is polysemic. Allows the audience to negotiate a response.
Claire is a middle aged stereotypically attractive character that plays Camille's mum. Mise-en-scene of basic french costume that is chic. This is an example of a stereotypical representation.
Julie is a stereotypical working class late 20s woman with France's stereotypically attractive 'sleepy eyes'.
This show lacks blonde people which shows that French beauty standards favour people with darker hair. These characters are represented as rural living characters in this rural setting of this image. The 'hoard' is a paradigmatic feature of a zombie film but it is shown in an unconventional way. Everyone in this is white. This group is ethnicity homogenous whereas France is generally a very ethnically diverse country but only in the cities which suggests that this image is representing French normal life.
This show is about relationships within a community. Not a typical zombie show because it is not about survival. It is as if Camille is never gone.
Abjection - Two things tat are together when they shouldn't be.
People numb death with media.
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