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Allegory and Zeitgeist

Allegory - Story with a hidden meaning . A Metaphor that makes a broader comment on society

Zeitgeist - The culture of a period of time . The 'spirit of time'

Godzilla 1950 - About a nuclear breathing dinosaur symbolising the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. 'Godzilla' represents America's destructive power over Japan.

Invasion of the Saucer Men 1957 - About aliens taking over and spying representing the cold war and the spies from Russia and The US.

Independence Day 1996 - About Aliens Taking Over representing the threat from the middle east. America gets the opportunity to fight back.

Unpaid Labor in Humans:

- Synths are sold by a larger company who takes all money and the synths have to work in a household based on a contract that is signed for them.

- Black synths are farming for large corporations which represents racism due to the reference to slavery but also represents full automation of jobs which will mean a lot of people will not be able to get jobs as easily.

- The Synths have no worker's rights because they are seen as not being able to think for themselves but some of them can think for themselves which goes back to slavery and being unpaid.

People are slaves to technology.

In humans the idea of sexual consent is removed in the synth brothel.

Genre conventions of humans


Computer Sounds

Monotone voice - no emotion from synths

Unnatural Bright Green-blue Eyes


Advanced Technology

Alternative present day - hard sci-fi

Synths walk very upright with a straight back, stiff

Stereotypical sci-fi setting, the cold lab and  room where the synth is worked on when it was found to to have feelings.

Narrative - Todorov - Narratology

Binary Opposition with Laura feeling uneasy with Anita looking at ease - shot/reverse shot - Ethnicity difference - Anita holding cleaning chemicals - slow zoom into Laura and Anita's face - binary opposition between lack of dialogue and dialogue - Laura completely blanks Anita because she is frustrated

Anita takes on a stereotypically female role with the mise-en-scene of Anita holiding cleaning chemicals

There is an element of threat encoded through the reaction shot with the slow zoom on Laura's upset face

Diametric Opposition = Binary Opposition


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