Pick and Mix Theory - David Gauntlet - Picking of different ideologies and ignoring ideologies that aren't agreed with.
Uses condescending language to suggest that women who are reading aren't intellectual enough to understand the article without description.
Women may read articles like this and think that they have to like kitchens and housework. This is an example of the cultivation theory.
Lisbet Van Zoonen - Key theory 8 - Feminist Theory
Uses condescending language to suggest that women who are reading aren't intellectual enough to understand the article without description.
Women may read articles like this and think that they have to like kitchens and housework. This is an example of the cultivation theory.
Lisbet Van Zoonen - Key theory 8 - Feminist Theory
- Gender is constructed through codes and conventions of media products and the idea of what is male and female changes over time.
- Women's bodies are used in media products as a spectacle for heterosexual male audiences which reinforces patriarchal hegemony. --- In the case of 'Woman' magazine, this may not be the case as there is a female target audience. however, this may appeal to a man wanting to buy this magazine for their wives.
Male Gaze - Media studies is all about gaze. The audience looks at a media product and creates their own ideologies about it.
Stereotypes that British women are nice on the outside but can 'explode' in your face. This could suggest that the actual personalities of women are being suppressed by society. "They're like snow capped volcanoes"
He refers to being British as a 'Beauty' which suggests that women are still there to just be looked at.
A 'mans man' may have been interviewed in a women's magazine as a way of putting women in their place.
"I decided to cast her in the film" is a quote from Alfred Hitchcock which suggests that she has no choice
Metonym - a word, name of expression used as a substitute for something else
The women that Hitchcock is talking about are shown to be ideal for men.
There is a lot of talk suggesting that Hitchcock was grooming women.
Women may aspire to be noticed by Hitchcock.
The entire thing isn't much of an interview but it is seen here as more of a monologue.
Alfred Hitchcock is stereotypically unattractive.
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