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Woman Magazine and Industry

Brand Identity - The way in which a brand presents itself differently from other brands.

Essential aspects to consider when constructing a brand identity:

- Original Content
- Genre
- Target Audience
- Lexis
- Layout
- Subject
- Theme
- Ideology of the brand and how the producer wants it to be perceived by others

Target audience is upper class women and this is evident because the upper class are stereotypically represented as extravagant. The Jewels being worn by the woman in the cover also reinforce her high social status. She is also not shown the be smiling suggesting that vogue magazine is about high end fashion.

  • Font is less bold than Woman font
  • Woman from 'Lady L' Film
  • Blue colour is used - connotations of purity
  • Lots of jewellery
  • No wrinkles
  • Serious font used with sophisticated lexis
  • Smaller text quote uses serif font to give a sense of sophistication
  • All capital letter name suggesting that vogue is about standing out
  • Woman on the front is famous compared to the other magazine where the person featured on the front of the other magazine who is just a model.
  • Suggests that Vogue has an aspirational audience.
  • Cursive font suggesting friendliness
  • Wrinkles near mouth suggesting happiness
  • Sans serif font for quote giving a sense of inclusiveness
  • Straight Working Class Housewives aged 25-45 target audience.
  • Woman is submissive
  • She looks scared
  • Scintillation - a flashing or sparkling of light.
  • Text functions as a hermeneutic code in Vogue
High end glossy fashion magazines are glossy to make them seem a higher quality

Lower end magazines are generally not glossy and they are more cluttered making them seem more exciting.

IPC is part of a conglomerate owned by TimeInc. The publisher is a mainstream organisation. 

IPC collaborate with Ocado and they also do branded book publishing.

The International Publishing Corporation Ltd was formed in 1963 following the merger of the UK's three leading magazine publishers - George Newnes, Odhams Press and Fleetway Publications

IPC is a Global brand that tends to release mainstream magazines. 

IPC - International Publishing Corporation

All media products exist to make money.

Conglomerates limits creativity.


Reinforces ideology that women should be housewives by mentioning 2 cooking competitions.

Also shows that they should look pretty by mentioning high street fashion. The word 'high' may also have connotations of importance.

Nowadays, there would not be a TV advert for a magazine as most would be found online.

Content is accessible. Most likely aimed at working class.

Adopts a very direct mode of address.

One way magazines function is that they sell audiences. This is through advertising.

In 2018, the magazine is a lot more fashion heavy now.

To What Extent is the regulatory framework of magazines in the UK effective?

Ways magazines are regulated in the UK:


You can make a complaint about any newspaper or magazine which is regulated by IPSO. You must make a complaint under the Editors' Code of Practice. You can complain about editorial material in print or online including:
  • articles
  • images (including video)
  • audio material on newspaper and magazine websites
  • readers' letters
  • edited or moderated reader comments on newspaper and magazine websites.
You can also complain about the behaviour of journalists including:
  • refusing requests to stop taking photographs or asking questions
  • using hidden cameras or recording devices to obtain material
  • failing to be sensitive when dealing with cases involving grief and shock
  • failing to obtain the proper consent before speaking to children or individuals in hospital or similar institutions.
In the UK you cannot slander/spread false information about a person.

You cannot start a facist magazine.

You cannot sexualise people under the age of 18.

Woman magazine

Preferred reading - That women are housewives and that they should look pretty and cook food to please their husbands.

Negotiated reading - Women are housewives but they should have other opportunities too.


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