In the session today I had to edit my short suspense scene that I filmed with Jack and Anass. We used the storyboard that we made to help us organise the clips in premiere pro. This helped us save time in editing which then allowed us to play around with the crossfade setting within the program. It took us a long time to find out how to fade between scenes but we came to the outcome that you needed to hold cmd-d on the keyboard to insert a fade. We also had trouble with editing the text for the title but we eventually realised that we didn't have the text tool selected. In the end, we ended up with a clip that was around 40 seconds. The only editing that we actually did was the fading between the final scene and the title which added a softer touch at the end. I think that the only thing we could have done better was to kep the exposure settings the same on the camera to keep a darker more ominous feel throughout.
Deliberately challenged the image. Its childish defacing. This defacing plays on the ideology that nothing is too high up to take down. Banksy Drawing of Policeman snorting cocaine. This is know as detournement. It is a form of high-jacking or re-routing. It is more commonly seen as Culture Jamming. Culture jamming is often obsessed with the idea of destructing consumerism/capitalism. Culture jamming - the practise of criticising and subverting advertising and consumerism in the mass media, by methods such as producing advertisements parodying those of global brands. Adbusters potential genres: Pop Culture - Sans serif font has informal connotations Satirical Comedy - Attacks something. Adbusters uses a lot of negative white space which connotes purity but directly contrasts with the image shown on the background. Masthead changes every time. Every magazine cover is unique which shows they are challenging. There is no reference to anything that is inside. No...
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