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Introduction to Representation

Stuart Hall - Theories of Representation

Representation - To present something through something else? A meaning presented in media form?

ACTUAL MEANING - The Ways in which a media product constructs the world and aspects in it, including social groups, individual, issues and events.

Lindt Lindor - Do you dream in chocolate:

  • Codes and conventions
  • Camera work – framing, shot types, angle, position, movement
  • Editing – pace, type of edits, continuity/montage Structure/narrative
  • Sound – music/dialogue/voiceover 
  • Mise-en-scene – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 
Soft lighting has connotations of romance which shows the woman's love for the chocolate.
Chef's facial expression gives a feeling of exclusivity. The costume also shows this.
Sensual actions show explicit love for the chocolate. Close-ups are used top emphasise the sensuality.

Superbowl commercial break 2015:

men are presented as strong in the insurance advert as well as the man in the jurassic world advert. The producer's ideology is that men are very strong characters.

Stereotype - A commonly held belief about a certain group of people.

Richard Dyer - The role of Stereotypes is an ordering process or a reference point which shows an expression of dominant societal values

Anchor Spreadable Butter
- Elderly people are represented as less intelligent than the other characters present in the advert.
- Old women are represented as less intelligent as well
- Teenage boys/girls are represented
- Jamaican women are also represented
- Smart women with robotic/posh voice
- Families
- British accent suggesting second generation immigrants

One representation is that old people are confused by technology
Use of mid-shot emphasises her confusion

The boy who's wearing the hoodie and the girl with her hair up creates a connotation of youth/rebellion.

There is a strong emphasis on the binary opposition of the old lady to the children/teens.

The butter is the symbol of family and coming together.

The good humour between the characters in this advert puts emphasis on the coming together of family.

The representation of Jamaican people in this advert is that they are friendly. The use of the Jamaican accent when 'I'll outlive the both of you' is said makes the harshness of the sentence seem less harsh due to the softness of the accent.

Pot Noodle Advert

-Young adults
- Black People - The one ethnic minority is a rapper who is seen as objectifying the teenager in the ring, suggests that black people are obsessed with sex.
- Families
- Homosexual
- Successful Old People - Determined, hardworking
- Elderly Women
- Teenage boys
- Students
- Poorer people - the wall is damp suggesting poverty as painting may not also be a big priority
- Working class - people sitting around in pyjamas, they are being loud/uncivilised
- Northern people - presented as living in poorer conditions, also shown to be aspirational due to the current situation that they are in

The black cool guy and the white teenager are binary oppositions of eachother.

Soundtrack before he is in Vegas is an inspirational crescendo which cuts out suggesting a rags to riches transition which is a binary opposition.

By dressing as a woman, the man is challenging the dominant ideology


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