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Showing posts from October, 2018

Allegory and Zeitgeist

Allegory - Story with a hidden meaning . A Metaphor that makes a broader comment on society Zeitgeist - The culture of a period of time . The 'spirit of time' Godzilla 1950 - About a nuclear breathing dinosaur symbolising the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. 'Godzilla' represents America's destructive power over Japan. Invasion of the Saucer Men 1957 - About aliens taking over and spying representing the cold war and the spies from Russia and The US. Independence Day 1996 - About Aliens Taking Over representing the threat from the middle east. America gets the opportunity to fight back. Unpaid Labor in Humans: - Synths are sold by a larger company who takes all money and the synths have to work in a household based on a contract that is signed for them. - Black synths are farming for large corporations which represents racism due to the reference to slavery but also represents full automation of jobs which will mean a lot of people will not be able to get jo

Humans analysis Monday 29th Oct 2018

Odi's Malfunction Genre codes and conventions  Genre theory  Genre fluidity Camera work - framing and composition shot types, angle, position, movement  Lighting and colour Editing – pace, type of edits, continuity Narrative construction, related to narrative theory Sound – dialogue, music Mise-en-scene – setting and location, props, costume/dress, hair/make-up  Synth trying to learn shot of laura behind anita - mid-close up shot anita on left shown larger than laura  positioning of investigator in relation to george is higher to symbolize authority robot malfunction with close-up reinforces importance of george's conversation with odi high angle mid shot of odi's body of glass and jam shows the power that humans have over synths by putting the audience in a power position. mirror shot of anita shows that we are not meant to see anita's face but the shot is composed to emphasise her face which symbolizes her importance in the series. th

Humans episode 1 notes

Channel 4 What science fiction codes and conventions are evidenced? Are these utilised in a typical or atypical way? Robots are used in a typical way in terms of the way they move and act as if they have been programmed What groups are represented? What ideological perspectives are represented about groups in society? People in general are represented as being controlled elderly are represented as stubborn teenagers represented as lazy Working/Middle Class families are encoded to be relatable. robot 'Anita' isn't perfectly programmed  Who is the primary target audience for this show? All science fiction holds a mirror to society. What real world allegorical themes are dealt with here? People becoming more reliant on technology What character archetypes are utilised in this show? To what extent does the narrative rely on them? Atypical representation including a stay-at-home dad/ house husband Stereotypical moody teenager What intertextual r